Honey in Mekong Delta, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
Not so while ago, actually a few days back I visited a beautiful city of Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh City. Honestly, not knowing much about the country and city itself ( beside that the city is named by same-named politician and leader of communist, Ho Chi Minh ) and when I say noting at all, I mean nothing, I am not proud of that, but at least I admit, so I went with a flow. Moving on from my lack of knowledge. Because of the situation in which I am I gave a tour suggestions to fill the blanks, and I must say, it was awesome, real Diamond. After arriving at the national airport, I headed back to my hotel which was a couple of minutes away to settle down and hit the gym hard enough to sleep straight away after this, which was a good thing since Ill be heading to a, later marked wonderful, tour around Mekong Delta river in the same named province.
Crossing on the other side was a real something, especially with this kinda boats. Anyway I headed further inside the Mekong Delta sole, and I had some nice things to see, and one more thing, the moment i stepped in on the sole of Mekong Delta I bought Non Bai Tho, traditional hat, so I can feel more of Vietnam and protect from the Sun. The thing which surprised me is that lots of villagers have bees, which, by the way produce honey if someone doesn't understand my French. Now you are thinking, ok, everybody have honey, but they have something more, the rarest thing of all, Royal Jelly. You are asking yourself whats that, Ill tell you, don't worry. Its a type of honey which is used to feed larvas in stage when they are developing and adult Queens, sounds bad as it taste, but its a real Diamond, coast around 10$ per jar (small jar as a jelly shot) but its so rich in Minerals, Vitamins and so much more that you cant imagine, and by z way, how would my Egyptians friends say, its produced from bees called workers, its a funny way to explain but that's the story short.
I almost forgot, the main attraction on this island, beside having bees and lots of honey, taking the boat around is taking pictures with Python, famous snake, known for ability to strangle their prey in mater
of minutes, the same one I am holding here. This one isn't so big but anyway its a very scary thing thou, especially when he started twisting around my leg or arm, not pleasant, not pleasant at all, but he was friendly in the end. My father is jumping around now, guess why, he cant see snakes even on tv.
Probably my mama would like this part even more, because hes a cooking enthusiast, big time, she even has her own page to present them.
In this island they are very proud about having coco-nuts, which even has a song about, but not any coco-nuts, they have only 45 different kinds of coco-nut, we established that my knowledge about Vietnam is almost a zero, but this is a thing that surprised me big time, its really something, I mean, when you, them, me go to Supermarket at least I see only one kind, but actually, there is more then one. Any ways, I am not gonna bother you about my shopping habits, but Ill stay in domain of coco-nuts. Beside having them, they are also using them in a different way, like, making the juice, creams, facial masks, drinks, and of course candy. Coco-nut candy is a tricky one, its prepared in traditional way, so the preparation goes like this; pealing the nut, grinding, adding some water and coco-nut water, mixing the hand in a big mixer wanna be and in the end cooking. For sure there is something more but lets put it as a traditional secret. After of process of cooking they add different kind of fruits, peanut, almond, mint and so on...and then comes to.... yes, cutting, as you can see on the picture with a lady holding a catana, lol.
Mine was with peanut and its pretty good, nothing special that I haven't tried before, but to see the whole process of making one and to see the outcome its makes its sweeter them other candy I have tried before. The same candy is sold afterwards, on the spot or in the store, for them its the same because its famous and they are making money her or there, price is varying thou from 3-5$ per pack, which contains 20 pieces of candy, its worth of trying, I mean, when again you are gonna have opportunity to be a witness of making a candy and having it fresh in the mater of minutes after production, let face it, really hard.
Beside of a coco-nut, the country itself is full of different fruits, and one I liked the most is called "Lady finger Banana" of course you can see in the name about which fruit is a big fuss about, rich in texture and much more in taste, groves everywhere, as some people have bushes that's how there are Banana trees on every step, so I am not gonna bother you more about it but you got the point, just to clarify, there is a lots of different fruits on the island, more then a lot, you chose; Mango, Papaya, Banana, Lichie, Peach, Plum, every single fruit we can find in Supermarket they have it in the garden.
And so, my day was coming to an end, and I must say its was a good one, so good I would like to
more often, but other destinations await to bee seen and explored, on one else then truly yours, me. So after very successful day I headed back to my big boat with a small one, from one of the canals coming out of main part of the Delta river in a old school style with this strong lady as a Captain of the boat, this ride is a real something, if you have opportunity to visit this part of the world you'll see why. This is where you feel the most of the Vietname spirit, my favorite part of the day, you asking why, but I cant explain, you need to live it to understand it, but its a something I tell you.
Next destinations which I am going to write about are some of the most tempting place in the world like; Rio de Janeiro, Singapore, Barcelona, Cape Town, Jo'burg, Beijing Kuala Lumpur, Osaka(my favorite) and so on, I hope you have enjoyed reading this post, hope you'll continue, If you have any wish about a certain country you would like to see here please do let me know and Ill do it. Until then see you social :)
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